Untuk melakukan setting IP Address pada Sistem Operasi Linux RedHat 9 , terdapat 2 (dua) cara, yaitu melalui mode graphic dan mode text. Mode graphic memudahkan pengguna untuk melakukan pen-setting-an ini karena pengguna akan dihadapkan langsung pada jendela-jendela dialog pada layar monitor sehingga user dapat langsung mengisi atau melakukan pen-setting-an. Sedangkan pada mode text, user harus mengetikkan perintah-perintah yang bersangkutan dengan hal yang ingin dilakukan.
Oleh karena itu, mengingat pengaturan melalui mode text lebih sulit daripada mode graphic, maka saya hanya akan membahas pen-setting-an IP Address melalui mode text.
Untuk melakukannya ketik perintah berikut dan tentunya Anda login pada mode text:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0
Perintah di atas adalah perintah untuk mengedit settingan pada Ethernet card no.1.
Apabila pada PC terdapat 2 atau lebih Ethernet card dan yang digunakan adalah Ethernet card no.2, maka kata ‘eth0’ diganti dengan no. urut Ethernet card yang dipakai, misalnya ‘eth1’ untuk no.2, ‘eth2’ untuk no.3, dan seterusnya. Setelah itu Anda akan dihadapkan pada isian-isian yang perlu Anda isi.
Setelah selesai, settingan tersebut tidak akan diaktifkan hingga PC direstart, maka untuk mengaktifkannya harus merestart PC terlebih dahulu atau menggunakan perintah:
# etc/init.d/network restart
Perintah di atas berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan setting yang Anda buat tanpa harus merestart PC
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
XBOX 360 Tips
I remember when I was a kid and Atari was the hottest game. Video gaming systems have sure come a long way from their. Video games have evolved over the years to become more and more complex games involving not only multiple players from one room but allowing multiple players from around the world to play on the same system, thanks to technological advancements. There are even a host of peripherals that can be added to these games to enhance the experience to be more real.The best system that really brings players into the games they play is the Xbox 360 video game console. Chances are if you are a parent your child is all but begging for the latest video game console Xbox 360. The video system was of course developed and designed by software giant Microsoft. They announced their first system to the market just before Christmas 2005, retail stores could not keep this system on the shelf and parents did what they could to get this system under the tree for their child.
Microsoft’s latest version, Xbox 360 has three different versions: the arcade console, the premium console and the Elite console. Each system has its own set of accessories and add ons for the console. One of the most unique qualities of the system is its Xbox Live component. This component allows subscribing players to interact with other gamers around the world. Players can interact with each other via chat functions while playing a video game across the globe. Being a subscriber also gives you the ability to download special games, TV shows and movies as well.
The video game console has a wide assortment of games for players of all ages and interests to enjoy. For instance, there are traditional war and fighting games; children age games, girls’ games, boys’ games and more.
There truly is something for everyone in the entire family which is why the Xbox 360 makes such a great gift for anyone in your family this holiday season. With the wide variety of games on the market today you are sure to find one that suits your child’s and entire family’s needs.
Microsoft’s latest version, Xbox 360 has three different versions: the arcade console, the premium console and the Elite console. Each system has its own set of accessories and add ons for the console. One of the most unique qualities of the system is its Xbox Live component. This component allows subscribing players to interact with other gamers around the world. Players can interact with each other via chat functions while playing a video game across the globe. Being a subscriber also gives you the ability to download special games, TV shows and movies as well.
The video game console has a wide assortment of games for players of all ages and interests to enjoy. For instance, there are traditional war and fighting games; children age games, girls’ games, boys’ games and more.
There truly is something for everyone in the entire family which is why the Xbox 360 makes such a great gift for anyone in your family this holiday season. With the wide variety of games on the market today you are sure to find one that suits your child’s and entire family’s needs.
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
Berolahraga Baik buat kesehatan
A. Hampir semua orang menyadari pentingnya olahraga untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan tingkat kesegaran jasmani.
Olahraga dipercaya dapat menguatkan jantung, paru-paru dan otot, mengurangi lemak tubuh dan keluhan stroke, penyakit gula, serta osteoporosis. Sayangnya, banyak yang tidak menyadari (atau tak peduli) bahwa olahraga itu harus dilakukan secara rutin.Jika tidak dilakukan secara kontinyu, tingkat kesegaran jasmani yang tadinya sudah meningkat, berpotensi turun kembali. Asal tahu saja, hanya dalam waktu 2 - 3 minggu setelah rutinitas olahraga ditinggalkan, kemampuan tubuh bakal menurun kira-kira 20 - 30%. Badan pun terasa tidak fit, lemas, lesu, dan sejenisnya. Bila absen dalam hitungan bulan atau tahunan, kondisi tubuh tentu akan lebih lemah lagi.
B. Bagaimana cara mengembalikan tubuh sehat dan segar yang “hilang” itu?
Salah satunya ya dengan berolahraga. Namun jangan salah, misalnya dengan berolahraga sehari penuh non-stop, untuk menebus jam- jam latihan yang terbuang di masa lalu. Itu namanya menyiksa diri. Jika Anda lama tidak berolahraga dan hendak memulai kembali aktivitas menyehatkan badan itu, mulailah dengan menguatkan tekad.Jangan seperti yang sudah-sudah, kali ini siapkan waktu khusus yang dapat digunakan untuk berolahraga secara permanen. Jika latihan dilakukan di sport club, minta pelatih atau instruktur untuk selalu mengingatkan Anda pada jadwal latihan. Ingat juga, Anda harus memulai semuanya dari nol. Artinya, tingkat kemampuan tubuh setelah lama tidak berolahraga tidak dapat disamakan dengan kondisi saat masih rajin berolahraga.Biasanya, di klub kebugaran semangat berlatih akan tumbuh berlipat-lipat. Apalagi setelah bersua teman-teman lama. Yang harus dicamkan, teman-teman lama Anda mungkin saja jauh lebih fit, karena lebih konsisten menjaga kebugaran. Makanya, jangan samakan beban latihan Anda.
C. Untuk start awal, berolahraga selama 30 menit saja sudah cukup, dengan bentuk latihan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan fisik dan kondisi badan.
Jangan lupa melakukan pemanasan dan peregangan sebelum memulai latihan. Seperti diketahui, olahraga membutuhkan kerja kardiovaskuler, yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia oksigen. Dengan melakukan pemanasan, fungsi kardiovaskuler dapat dioptimalkan, sehingga aktivitas dan manfaat berolahraga berjalan seperti yang direncanakan.Lakukan latihan aerobik (joging, bersepeda, senam, dan sejenisnya) tanpa memaksa dan tidak terlalu melelahkan. Yang harus diperhatikan, jangan sampai membuat napas terengah-engah. Hindari juga latihan yang banyak mengandung gerakan eksplosif, seperti sepakbola, bulutangkis, atau tenis, karena akan membebani jantung dan terlalu memberatkan persendian.Bila ingin latihan beban, mulailah dengan beban yang sangat ringan. Setelah itu, jika merasa mampu, naikkan beban secara bertahap. Repetisi (ulangan) dilakukan semampunya. Sama seperti saat memulai latihan, lakukan juga peregangan setelah latihan untuk mengurangi nyeri otot. Boleh juga diakhiri dengan massage, agar otot cepat pulih. Terakhir, lakukan olahraga secara rutin, sekitar 3-5 kali seminggu, dengan durasi antara 20-60 menit per latihan. Yang lebih penting, jangan coba-coba mangkir berolahraga kembali!
Olahraga dipercaya dapat menguatkan jantung, paru-paru dan otot, mengurangi lemak tubuh dan keluhan stroke, penyakit gula, serta osteoporosis. Sayangnya, banyak yang tidak menyadari (atau tak peduli) bahwa olahraga itu harus dilakukan secara rutin.Jika tidak dilakukan secara kontinyu, tingkat kesegaran jasmani yang tadinya sudah meningkat, berpotensi turun kembali. Asal tahu saja, hanya dalam waktu 2 - 3 minggu setelah rutinitas olahraga ditinggalkan, kemampuan tubuh bakal menurun kira-kira 20 - 30%. Badan pun terasa tidak fit, lemas, lesu, dan sejenisnya. Bila absen dalam hitungan bulan atau tahunan, kondisi tubuh tentu akan lebih lemah lagi.
B. Bagaimana cara mengembalikan tubuh sehat dan segar yang “hilang” itu?
Salah satunya ya dengan berolahraga. Namun jangan salah, misalnya dengan berolahraga sehari penuh non-stop, untuk menebus jam- jam latihan yang terbuang di masa lalu. Itu namanya menyiksa diri. Jika Anda lama tidak berolahraga dan hendak memulai kembali aktivitas menyehatkan badan itu, mulailah dengan menguatkan tekad.Jangan seperti yang sudah-sudah, kali ini siapkan waktu khusus yang dapat digunakan untuk berolahraga secara permanen. Jika latihan dilakukan di sport club, minta pelatih atau instruktur untuk selalu mengingatkan Anda pada jadwal latihan. Ingat juga, Anda harus memulai semuanya dari nol. Artinya, tingkat kemampuan tubuh setelah lama tidak berolahraga tidak dapat disamakan dengan kondisi saat masih rajin berolahraga.Biasanya, di klub kebugaran semangat berlatih akan tumbuh berlipat-lipat. Apalagi setelah bersua teman-teman lama. Yang harus dicamkan, teman-teman lama Anda mungkin saja jauh lebih fit, karena lebih konsisten menjaga kebugaran. Makanya, jangan samakan beban latihan Anda.
C. Untuk start awal, berolahraga selama 30 menit saja sudah cukup, dengan bentuk latihan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan fisik dan kondisi badan.
Jangan lupa melakukan pemanasan dan peregangan sebelum memulai latihan. Seperti diketahui, olahraga membutuhkan kerja kardiovaskuler, yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia oksigen. Dengan melakukan pemanasan, fungsi kardiovaskuler dapat dioptimalkan, sehingga aktivitas dan manfaat berolahraga berjalan seperti yang direncanakan.Lakukan latihan aerobik (joging, bersepeda, senam, dan sejenisnya) tanpa memaksa dan tidak terlalu melelahkan. Yang harus diperhatikan, jangan sampai membuat napas terengah-engah. Hindari juga latihan yang banyak mengandung gerakan eksplosif, seperti sepakbola, bulutangkis, atau tenis, karena akan membebani jantung dan terlalu memberatkan persendian.Bila ingin latihan beban, mulailah dengan beban yang sangat ringan. Setelah itu, jika merasa mampu, naikkan beban secara bertahap. Repetisi (ulangan) dilakukan semampunya. Sama seperti saat memulai latihan, lakukan juga peregangan setelah latihan untuk mengurangi nyeri otot. Boleh juga diakhiri dengan massage, agar otot cepat pulih. Terakhir, lakukan olahraga secara rutin, sekitar 3-5 kali seminggu, dengan durasi antara 20-60 menit per latihan. Yang lebih penting, jangan coba-coba mangkir berolahraga kembali!
Senin, 18 Mei 2009
There Are Many Options For Your Top Web Host at Many Payment Points
The way the world shops has changed dramatically, and stores around the world are feeling the pinch. Why? Because anyone can go online and find exactly what they need, and probably for less than what they can get it at a local store. This shopping trend as spawned more and more businesses to choose the Internet as their primary store front, and those considering opening a new business consider their online options before their real world options. With all of this focus on the Internet, finding the top web host has become more important than ever before.
What many people do not realize as they search for the perfect top web host is that not all web hosting sites are created equal. This does not mean that two sites with very different purposes don't both have great quality, what this means is that some hosting services are designed for specific type of business. That is why it is so important for you to understand what you need from your web hosting service before you make your final decision about who to use.
For example, some web hosts are designed specifically for the home based business or for those who want to have a recreational website. These hosting services offer web hosting at a very low cost and are ideal for smaller sites that will not see a lot of traffic all at once. While this does not prevent a hosting service from being a top web host, it does limit the user should they grow suddenly, and forces them to make a hasty decision about what to do next.
The second kind of web hosting company are those that specialize in the small business that has morphed past the small business mentality but do not qualify as a big business. This top web host will offer more options to their users such as free domain names and website design. Usually such web hosting business have the capacity to handle a large influx of traffic on multiple websites and should give you plenty of warning should your business began to attract a consistent amount of business that may eventually outgrow their bandwidth.
Finally, you have the web hosting option of enterprise hosting. This is going to be a high dollar choice that offers you unlimited email and bandwidth space. It is the hopeful destination of all businesses to outgrow their bandwidth, and these top web host companies are ready and waiting to offer you every thing you need to make your business successful.
Each of these choice has its place in the web hosting field and depending on what you need your web hosting for, using the tiered approach is a great alternative for the financially conscience business, rather than starting big only to find out that you don't need that much support after all.
What many people do not realize as they search for the perfect top web host is that not all web hosting sites are created equal. This does not mean that two sites with very different purposes don't both have great quality, what this means is that some hosting services are designed for specific type of business. That is why it is so important for you to understand what you need from your web hosting service before you make your final decision about who to use.
For example, some web hosts are designed specifically for the home based business or for those who want to have a recreational website. These hosting services offer web hosting at a very low cost and are ideal for smaller sites that will not see a lot of traffic all at once. While this does not prevent a hosting service from being a top web host, it does limit the user should they grow suddenly, and forces them to make a hasty decision about what to do next.
The second kind of web hosting company are those that specialize in the small business that has morphed past the small business mentality but do not qualify as a big business. This top web host will offer more options to their users such as free domain names and website design. Usually such web hosting business have the capacity to handle a large influx of traffic on multiple websites and should give you plenty of warning should your business began to attract a consistent amount of business that may eventually outgrow their bandwidth.
Finally, you have the web hosting option of enterprise hosting. This is going to be a high dollar choice that offers you unlimited email and bandwidth space. It is the hopeful destination of all businesses to outgrow their bandwidth, and these top web host companies are ready and waiting to offer you every thing you need to make your business successful.
Each of these choice has its place in the web hosting field and depending on what you need your web hosting for, using the tiered approach is a great alternative for the financially conscience business, rather than starting big only to find out that you don't need that much support after all.
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